Born on October 7, 1979, Portia “Lady Rerun” Berry Allen is the daughter of popular dance & television legend Fred “Rerun” Berry of 1970’s NBC sitcoms “What’s Happening” and “What’s Happening Now”. As an African-American female, wife and mother of three, Ms Berry is an accomplished Actress, Radio and TV personality, Celebrity Speaker/Hostess, Plus Size Model and overall five-star entertainer. She has a national during her debut on the Fox’s game show “Hole in the Wall”, Portia transitioned to become “Lady Rerun” Currently, Lady Rerun is a celebrity speaker/hostess have been featured at several black expos around the country and was recently a celebrity guest/presenter at the 2010 Ohio Hip Hop Awards. With these opportunities prevailing themselves, she has decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and continue to progress into a full time career in the entertainment industry. Aside from pursuing her dreams of entertainment, Portia is an active supporter of the Autism Foundation, as she has two her children who have been diagnosed with Autism She is a role-model to the youth in her community. She believes in networking with new people to continually open herself to new opportunities. While family comes first as her influence to pursue her dream, she believes that wisdom and understanding are the keys to long term success. v=Dcg9Gj1bsMM
To book Lady Rerun,
contact Brandi Jarath at
info@carbonroseentertainment or
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